Poster Board Perfection


Despite the namesake of this blog, I fear my poster board will be far from perfect. last year I received help from my sister, but this year they are not home. I will be working on this myself unless I am able to find people that are artistic and willing to help me. I plan to try and do that but sadly I don't have many friends that are artsy in that way. I have a plan set out and believe I can make a good poster board, but if I want it to be really good then it will need extra work. I plan on altering my plan slightly to make it more focused on the visuals and less focused on the reading and text, but that will not take much work. I am also concerned about my original work speech because I don't yet know how I can discuss it to people and explain exactly what I did without taking up a lot of time on describing it. My last speech was already longer than the allotted time limit so I don't want too much of an increase in my time because of it. Everything will come together as it always does. Perchance. 

"Reason has always existed, but not always in a reasonable form" - Friedreich Engels.
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