Towards the Finish Line


This week in ISM I am beginning the work on my poster board creation. Last year it was heavily directed and worked on by my sister who is now in Michigan meaning I have to work on it myself this year. I also edited my ISM speech to make it more applicable to my original work speech. It was far too infantile in its nature. I changed up the intro on it massively and changed the whole direction of the speech. I wanted to talk more about the things I feel passion for the the true reason I want to research politics. Due to the different beliefs that I have from my parents, I was worried to talk about what I truly wanted to talk about due to risk of their disapproval. However, if I spend my life not able to live to my own convictions, how will I ever amount to anything. This led me to change it to talk more about the issues in the country that led me to want to get into politics. I want to work to change things. Life for the working class has become increasingly difficult in the US over the last few decades and I want to learn the system to see how I can get involved to promote change. 

"Reason has always existed, but not always in a reasonable form" - Friedreich Engels.
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